
Learn how to use insights


Last Update 3 years ago

Insights view can be navigated from the navigation part of the project dashboard (icons to the left of team members). Insights view is a simple burn-down/burn-up chart of tasks based on a tag or team member. If no tag or team member is active, then the chart by default shows all created tasks against completed tasks of the project.

In Ambra, a task is considered completed if it is moved to the last column of the kanban view.

- If a tag or team member is active, then the chart shows created tasks of that respectful tag or team members against related completed tasks.

- By default chart time is one week earlier with the present day as the end date.

- If an active tag has a start date or end date, then the chart is shown for that date.

- If the selected time is longer than one month, then the same number of tasks through days are compressed into one given information.

- By default burn-up chart is shown comparing created tasks against completed tasks (as mention above).

- To switch to the burn-down chart press the button next to insights dates (arrow).

- Burn-down chart shows the average between created tasks and completed tasks.

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